Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Projects:  We are discussing the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, as well as the process of making changes to the constitution.  Students will summarize all of this information and put it into a newspaper on Thursday.

8th Grade Reading:  Students are learning more about poetic devices and figurative language.  Tomorrow, they will create posters that depict several types of figurative language.  We are also continuing our reading of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

7th Grade Reading:  We are finishing up Two Miserable Presidents this week, as well as all of the comprehension questions.  We will start our next book, The Outsiders, on Thursday or Monday.  I can't wait for this!  I love this novel, and look forward to sharing it with these kids.

Writing:  Students are researching their chautauqua character and putting information into their notes.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Projects:  Civil War battle maps were due today.  The kids worked so hard on them, and they look great!

8th Grade Reading:  Listened to and watched the weekly current events Flocabulary Rap.  Students are working on homework related to it all week.  We will focus on Uncle Tom's Cabin and poetry for the rest of the week.

7th Grade Reading:  Flocabulary Rap.....homework all week is related to the rap.  Students are loving this, and are enjoying making connections to these current events.  They need to make sure they complete all related assignments this week!

Writing:  Students were introduced to the chautauqua assignment related to the Civil War.  Students chose a character to research and portray for our Chautauqua presentations.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We are hoping to finish our art project for Civil War battles tomorrow. The students are working so hard, and they are looking great!

8th Grade Reading:
We are reading two poems and annotating them (homework tonight).  Students are becoming more familiar with poetry and how to pull certain attributes out.  We also finished reading chapter 4 of Uncle Tom's Cabin.  I'm so impressed with how they respond to this very difficult text.

Narratives were turned in and we are moving into working on Chautauquas for Civil War.  These will be researched and written in class.  Students should be thinking about who they want to "be."

7th Grade Reading:
Students finished comprehension question for Two Miserable Presidents.  They also worked on annotating two poems, and will finish them for homework tonight.  I love teaching poetry, and the kids are responding well to it.

**Parents, thank you so much for sending in all of the supplies for projects.  I know this can be stressful and I want you to know how much I appreciate it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Our maps are coming along.  Students have worked hard to research 10 key Civil War battles and locate them.  The products will be finished in the next day or 2.

8th Grade Reading:
We are reading chapter 4 of  Uncle Tom's Cabin.  Although the text is hard, students seem to enjoy the challenge, and our discussions are starting to take shape.  It's important that each student has a "good fit" book, so parents please help them at home when it comes to choosing what to read.  Homework tonight is to read for 20 minutes.  Tomorrow night they will have an assignment associated with poetry.

Students continue to revise their narratives, and I am working hard to make sure I conference with each student at least twice before they hand the final in. Tomorrow the kids will do final edits and turn in a finished product for a grade.

7th Grade Reading:
We are continuing to read Two Miserable Presidents both together and individually.  Comprehension questions for sections up to "Can Anyone Win This War?" are due tomorrow at the end of class.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Students are continuing to work on their 3D maps of Civil War battles.  Maps are due at the end of class Wednesday. We will start our politician portion of the project on Thursday, and that product will be due next Thursday, October 2.  Please make sure students are paying attention to the timeline on their project calendar in their drives.  We moved everything back a day, so things are due one day later than is stated on the calendar.

8th grade reading:
Working on comprehension questions with Uncle Tom's Cabin.  Tomorrow, we will read chapter 4 of the book and discuss questions together.  Also, students worked on current event issues through Flocabulary.

Narratives are due Wednesday at the end of the writing period.  Students are working hard to edit and revise their stories and turn in final copies.

7th Grade Reading:
Students continue to read and answer questions with Two Miserable Presidents.  Also, they worked on current event issues through Flocabulary.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wacky Wednesday


Students started researching Civil War battles, and choosing 10 for their art project.  We will start Civil War maps tomorrow in class.  Please make sure supplies make it to school!

8th Grade Reading:
Students listened to chapter 2 of Uncle Tom's Cabin, and followed along with the text.  They are working on building their vocabulary through words from the book as well.  We ended the class with a poem activity.
8th Grade Reading Homework:  Finish putting line breaks into poem and writing it in correct format.

Students worked on their narratives, and we discussed transitions to use in writing.  They also continue to work on using coordinating conjunctions.

7th Grade Reading:
Continuing with Two Miserable Presidents, as well as with focus questions for each section.  Students also worked on putting a poem into the correct format.  They worked in groups to try to determine line breaks.  We will finish this activity tomorrow.

Pizza Thursday is tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday the 16th!

Tomorrow is picture day for our class!

Finished "Gone With the Wind" and went over our new project timeline.  Materials for the art project we start Thursday should be sent in by then.  Thank you, as always, for all of your support here!

8th Grade Reading:
Finished "Gone With the Wind" and moved into some prereading activities for Uncle Tom's Cabin. 

Worked on our sentence of the week skill (coordinating conjunctions) and went over the grading rubric for our narratives.

7th Grade Reading:
Finished "Gone With the Wind," then moved into reading Two Miserable Presidents.  Students are working on discussion questions associated with each section.  We focused on pulling details and evidence from the book to support each answer.  I reminded them that full credit will not be given without text support and evidence.

We wrapped up the day with a TRIBES activity called "Two Truths and a Lie."  We loved learning facts, as well as one lie, about our classmates.

I continue to be amazed at the work ethic these students have.  I love teaching students who genuinely want to learn and go deeper every time.  These kids all want that.  Thank you for sharing them with me.

Monday, September 15, 2014


Students watched "Gone With the Wind" to make connections and gather background knowledge on the Civil War.

8th Grade Reading
Students continued to watch "Gone With thd Wind" and we began our discussion of Uncle Tom's Cabin

Students worked on this week's sentence of the week skill (using FANBOYS to make sentences with coordinating conjunctions) and wrote in their journals.

7th Grade Reading:
"Gone With the Wind" continued
Also, 7th grade read several pages in Two Miserable Presidents, which will be our text for the Civil War.

Picture day is this Wednesday, so please don't forget your form/money

**Send project supplies in as soon as possible (see email sent over the weekend)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Projects:  Students conferenced with me one on one about their presentations, and they continued working on their chapters.  Chapters are due tomorrow at the end of the class period (9:50).

7th and 8th Grade Reading:  We are wrapping up passages related to the Antebellum era.  We had to switch poetry Wednesday to Poetry Thursday, but will get to it tomorrow.

Writing:  Today, I conferenced with each student as they write their narratives.  Students are also doing a great job with their writing prompts.

Tomorrow is pizza Thursday!
Please don't forget to send in box tops for your child's team!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Presentations were today in projects.  Students will conference with me tomorrow about strengths and areas for improvement.

7th & 8th Grade Reading:  Read a passage about the institution of slaver from the beginning.  Students finish reading and annotating for homework.

Writing:  Students continue writing their narratives, as well as giving examples of simple sentences for our Sentence of the Week lesson.

Reminder:  Please send in box tops ASAP!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Madness

Projects:  Students worked on presentations, which are tomorrow (Tuesday, 9/9).  After presentations, students will work with their partners to create their textbook chapters.  These are due Thursday, September 11.

7th and 8th Grade Reading:  Students summarized and illustrated passages on the northern and southern economy during the Civil War.  Cause and Effect organizers (revised and edited by students) were collected today.

Writing:  We are continuing to work on narrative writing.  Students are conferencing with me and beginning to put their thoughts into a story.  I'm impressed with their efforts to improve their word choice as they work.

**Student Council officer candidates are campaigning hard this week.  It's been terrific seeing all the creative posters come to school.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Paragraph presentations are now going to be on Tuesday, as opposed to Monday.  We will take one more class period to work on them and get them right.  I am almost done conferencing, and paragraphs are looking good.  Presentations should be in first person, and students should practice, practice, practice over the weekend.

In reading, 7th and 8th graders are reading passages that have to do with Antebellum issues. Together, we are working on identifying cause and effect, as well as being able to summarize passages.  Students are also working on poetry at least one day a week.

In writing, students continue to work on their narratives.

Parents, please remember to send in your box tops if you have them.  They will be collected on September 29th.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday update

Today in projects students printed their North/South paragraphs and worked on revising them. It is critical that they start practicing their presentations, which we have moved to Monday.  Students should present their event in first person and give a detailed explanation and opinion of it.

In writing, we are continuing to brainstorm and prewrite our narratives.  Students listened to a story from a first person point of view today, and took some time to decide which point of view they would like to write from in their own narratives.  Tomorrow we will conference and students will firm up their story line before beginning their draft.

7th & 8th grade Reading classes both focused on poetry.  We continued to look at "Abandoned Farmhouse."  Students wrote details from the poem that helped describe each character.  We also talked about the mood of the poem and compared it to the mood of another.  Students will explore poetry every Wednesday, so parents please ask them about what poems they are reading and what they can tell you about elements of poetry.

Homework is to read for 20 minutes tonight.  Please make sure this is happening at home when this is homework.

Tomorrow is the last day for student council forms.  If students want to run, they must make sure they have their form completed, signed by a parent, and turned into either me or Mr. Lewis.  Campaigning starts Monday, September 8.

Remember that tomorrow is Pizza Thursday!  Don't forget your coupons!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Update for Tuesday

Projects:  North/South paragraphs were due today at 9:50.  I will grade them, provide feedback, and students will use them to make their textbook chapters.  At home, students should be working on their first person presentation that he/she will give to the class on Thursday.  This presentation is basically their paragraph, but changed to first person point of view.  We will discuss this tomorrow in class as well.

7th and 8th grade reading:  Students read a passage about social reform in the Antebellum era.  They are working on pulling causes and effects out of what they read.  Students also worked on expanding their vocabulary by pulling out unknown words and using context clues and the dictionary to apply meaning.

Writing:  Students are starting to work on a narrative that they will write and turn in.  We read a book today written in third person, and will read another tomorrow that is written in first person so students have an idea of how each point of view should look.  Students are only in the pre-writing stage of the writing process, and will take the next week or so to write a good, solid narrative.  I will conference with individual students throughout this process, and each student will come away with a good perspective on narrative writing.

Homework:  All students should finish their cause/effect organizer with their social reform reading passage.  If they finished in class, that's fine.  However, students know that I'm looking for specifics and a lot of detail in this.

Another awesome day!!!