We finished the inflatable globes....finally! They look great and they will be hung on display in our classroom soon. We are now moving onto studying global warming.
8th Grade Reading:
To Kill a Mockingbird is a great, challenging text, and the kids are doing great! We took our time on chapter one with vocabulary and phrases, and can now move gracefully (we hope) through the rest of the novel. We are having wonderful discussions already!
7th Grade Reading:
Tomorrow the students will start working on their maps of The Glade in The Maze Runner. They will use descriptions in the book to build a 3-d model of The Glade, then present it to the class. Students will work in groups of 4 on this.
Argumentative essays are done! Students worked HARD, and I am very proud of these. They are up on a bulletin board outside the room. Stop by and take a look. You kids chose some very controversial topics to research and report on.
**February 6 is our middle school dance from 6-10. Please remember to sign up to send something in. You should have received a signupgenius email with a list of items. If you didn't get the email, please let me know.