Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Halloween dance this Thursday from 6-10. Admission is $5. Students may bring one middle school aged guest. EVERYONE must have a permission slip.
We are learning about the many causes, people and events of the American Revolution. This week we will focus on the book George VS George, by Rosalyn Schanzer. This is one of my favorite books and I'm excited for the kids to work on activities based upon their reading of it.

8th Grade Reading:
Today was Week in Rap and we had, as usual, great discussions. We will start book clubs with novels set during the American Revolution tomorrow. Poetry annotations for "Leafy Sea Dragon" due Wednesday

7th Grade Reading:
Week in Rap today.....we will start book clubs tomorrow and read novels that are set during the American Revolution.Poetry annotations for "Speak Up" due Wednesday

Students will write about the patriot views vs. the loyalist views of the American Revolution. Then they will take all they learn and develop a fictional, creative narrative. Writing will be SO fun this quarter! 8 parts of speech quiz on Thursday

Don't forget to send a pumpkin to school with your student on Thursday for decorating. Students should bring craft items for decorating (paint, fabric, googly eyes, etc.) Also, we are wearing costumes on Thursday!

8th grade poetry annotations ("Leafy Sea Dragon") due Wednesday
7th grade poetry annotations ("Speak up") due Wednesday
7th grade quiz over 8 parts of speech on Thursday
Book Club Comments for both classes due Thursday

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

Conferences are this Friday! Please take a moment and sign up for a time slot through the sign up genius link I sent out. If Friday doesn't work with you, I am happy to schedule another time.

The book fair is here! Students previewed it today and can bring money throughout the week to make purchases.

Today and this week's schedule:

Projects: We used Brainpop to introduce ourselves to the causes of the American Revolution. Students will learn A LOT over the next 2 weeks so they can have a wealth of knowledge for our big project, which begins on November 9.

8th Grade Reading: Week in Rap! Students read about and discussed current events. I have many talented debators and possibly a few future politicians in this class. I always look forward to it.

7th Grade Reading: Week in Rap! The 7th graders look forward to this and are really starting to develop higher level thinking. They are asking great questions and taking risks with their arguments. I love it!!!

Writing: Students were given some time to free write today. I love this part of writing, and it was put on hold last week. I love watching kids just write about whatever enters their minds. We also did a TRIBES activity during writing....Two truths and a lie. Ask the kids about it. They had GREAT truths and lies. It was fun.

**Class auction on Thursday!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday, October 15, 2015

Students, please remember to study for tomorrow's chemistry test. You are well-prepared, but a little extra never hurts! :)

Class auction planned for tomorrow if time allows. If not, we will have one next week for sure!

Parents, please make sure you sign up for a conference via the signupgenius link that was emailed to you. If you have questions or concerns please let me know.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, Octoer 12, 2015

I can't believe it's the end of the first quarter! I am absolutely loving this class. The year is flying by and I'm not sure I like it.

Projects: Today students went from station to station conducting various experiments that demonstrated chemical reactions. It was so much fun! I don't think we managed to blow anything up, much to the disappoint of many. :)

8th Grade Reading: Today students took a test on story elements and applied a couple of them to Ghost Hawk. We will watch "The Week in Rap" later in the week. They were not happy that we skipped it today, so I will make it up to them.

7th Grade Reading: Test on story elements and how they apply to Blood on the River.  This will be a test grade and will be the final grade of the quarter. We will watch Flocabulary later in the week.

Writing: Final drafts of argumentative essays are due on Thursday, so students are hard at it. I have conferenced with all of them multiple times, but we will continue them right through final drafts. It's important that the students understand each step of the writing process and how to make changes along the way. They are doing a great job!

Homework: 20 minutes of reading each night

**I am planning an auction for Thursday! All items are welcome.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

Today we started really studying chemical reactions and what happens during one. I did a demonstration with a candle. The kids are really starting to understand that chemical reactions happen when atoms from certain molecules rearrange themselves to form completely new substances. Tomorrow we will experiment with baking soda, dish soap and vinegar. :)

8th Grade Reading:
Flocabulary's "Week in Rap" was interesting, as usual. We had great discussions about the past week's current events. Flocabulary homework is due this Thursday.
Poetry annotations due Wednesday on "The Run."
Students should read to chapter 11 of section 2 in Ghost Hawk by tomorrow (assigned last Thursday).

7th Grade Reading:
We did the same Flocabulary "Week in Rap" lesson that I did with 8th grade. The students are making important connections, and I'm enjoying hearing all of their well formulated opinions.
Flocabulary homework due Thursday.
Poetry Annotation on "Old Lester Darby" due Wednesday
Story Elements Quiz on Monday, 10/12 (students will be given the terms tomorrow).

Students continue to work on their argumentative essay (still in the outline phase). Ask your student what their issue is. They got to choose and I'm loving working with them on these. We will focus on the development of a thesis statement, using evidence to support ideas and effective transitions in this paper. My goal is to get a strong piece of writing every two weeks from these guys. We are not there yet, but we will be soon!

Please send in any auction items. We will have another auction next Thursday, October 15. The students are earning money much faster than losing it (this is a good thing!)