Projects: We are continuing our study of American government. Today we started a movie called "In Order to Form a More Perfect Union." It's a complete reenactment of the Constitutional Convention and all of the issues that arose there. So far it's been fantastic! On Wednesday we will start a mini project, in which students will partner up and research, write about and illustrate one of the first ten amendments. I am hoping to have these completed by Thursday after the block, but we will see. There will be a test on government terms and concepts next week. I am planning the test for either Monday or Tuesday, but I have to see how far we get this week. I have front-loaded all vocabulary and told the students what to be prepared for as far as open ended essays go.
7th and 8th Grade Reading: We watch "The Week in Rap" today and discussed the many current events. As always, the students had impressive points to make.
Writing: We are almost finished with our "Day in the Life of....." essays. I am quite impressed with the creative writing talent that exists in this classroom. They are writing well-developed narratives and are keeping it tight!!! "Keep it Tight" is my catch phrase for 7th grade narrative writing. Ask the kids what I mean by that.
Students need to be studying for their projects test scheduled for next week. Also, Flocabulary will come home tomorrow and will be due Wednesday. It's just one page. This will be for 7th and 8th grade reading blocks.
Please remember to send in new pajamas if you are able.
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